Report an Error

At CGI Champ, we strive to provide accurate and engaging quizzes about Visual Effects and Computer Generated Imagery. However, we understand that errors can sometimes occur. If you've encountered incorrect information in one of our quizzes or experienced a bug while playing the game, we encourage you to report the issue so we can address it promptly and maintain the quality of our content and user experience.

How to Report an Error

If you've found incorrect information in a quiz question or experienced a bug on our website, please follow these steps to report the issue:

  1. Provide a detailed description of the error or bug you've encountered. If possible, include a URL or screenshot of the specific quiz question or web page where the issue occurred.
  2. Include any additional information that you think might be helpful for us to understand and address the issue, such as your device, operating system, and browser version.
  3. Provide your contact information, including your name and email address, in case we need to follow up with you for further clarification.
  4. Email all of the above information to with the subject line "Report an Error."

Our Commitment to Addressing Errors and Bugs

We appreciate your help in maintaining the accuracy and quality of our quizzes and website. Upon receiving your error report, our team will investigate the issue and take appropriate action to correct the problem. We may contact you for additional information if needed.

Your feedback is essential to the continuous improvement of CGI Champ. By reporting errors and bugs, you're helping us create a better experience for all VFX enthusiasts who enjoy our quizzes and engage with our community.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our error reporting process or the quality of our quizzes and website, please feel free to contact us for further assistance.